Professional Development & Workshops
Our training is right for you!
Our professional development is approachable for computer science teachers of all levels of experience. It is accessible and well-structured to support new or inexperienced CS teachers while including innovative and creative lessons and activities that more experienced teachers can bring to their classroom.
We know that professional development is critical to the usefulness of any resource, no matter how well designed resources may be. We strive to provide effective and enjoyable PD that will make you excited to offer our materials.​
Our workshops and resources have been built upon years of experience teaching computer science as part of regular provincial curricula, AP, IB and working with teachers from elementary to post-secondary.
Summer 2024 - Toronto
4-day Intro to CSP!
Work with CodeTrain to get ready to teach CSP for the 2024/2025 school year! This workshop is intended for teachers who want to be ready to offer CSP in 2024-25 or are looking for new and engaging resources for their computer science classes.
This workshop will include
An overview of all our resources
Walk-through of lessons and activities from our entire resource catalogue
Connection with CS teachers from across Canada
Individual guidance particular to your classroom
And more...
​Registration details are through the College Board, please follow this link
Please email us and ask to be put on our mailing list to be kept up to date: info@codetra.in
Programming Bootcamp
Learn at your own pace! This is a video series teaching programming in the P5.js environment. P5 is very similar to the Processing language used in our resource package but with some big advantages.
You can view the video series here.